Not a week goes by without people asking me about investing in marijuana stocks or bitcoin, my answer is always the same. “If you are going to buy it, buy it now while nobody is talking about it.”
These investments are like pizza, they are best consumed cold. When a sector of the market is hot and everyone is chasing it, the investor who misses getting in on the ground floor typically arrives right before the crash. Think about how hot bitcoin was during the fall of 2017. Everyone was discussing it around Thanksgiving dinner, Facebook was littered with stories of bitcoin millionaires, and all the other cryptocurrencies were being purchased just because they were cryptos. There was a fear of missing out that was palpable.
When any part of the stock market is behaving like this it is best to treat it like a slice of pizza that is too hot to eat. If you are not careful you are going to get burned. It is much better to let the investment cool off and purchase it when no one is talking about it.
Cold pizza is good because the ingredients have had time to marinate. This seems counter intuitive in a world that likes food made fast and served hot, but sometimes a hot investment needs time to cool off to make for a satisfying experience.
Want proof right?
Bitcoin can be purchased in several ways. I prefer to use the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC) because it doesn’t require that we open a new account for clients. After the bitcoin bubble burst and returned to sanity in 2018, GBTC gained 136% compared to 12% for the S&P 500. Since 2003, after the dot com bubble burst, tech stocks have earned 496% vs. 102% for the S&P 500. Marijuana stocks were pretty hot a few years ago, now no one talks about them. It may be time to consider taking a look.
Before you go, look up GBTC on YahooFinance for yourself, you'll find that the bitcoin fund is up 2300% since it debuted in 2015 vs. 36% for the S&P 500. Of course you may not be aware of this because nobody's talking about it. People think bitcoin has crashed, what will they think about marijuana stocks in a few years?
If you’d like to learn how we invest in stocks after the bubble has burst visit We provide a practical method for investing in formerly hot stocks that may interest you.